Xcel Energy’s Integrated Resource Plan
February 15, 2021
On July 1st, 2020 Xcel Energy filed it draft Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. (PUC) The IRP lays out Xcel's plans for electricity generation for the next 15 years. This plan directly affects customers in Minnesota and sets the tone for how aggressively utilities across the country will respond to the climate crisis. It is incredibly important that the IRP has the necessary components to stop global warming by eliminating carbon gas emissions. The public is able to provide comments to the PUC by April 12, 2021. It is an opportunity to tell the PUC what you do or do not like about Xcel's IRP.
The IRP has many good proposals. Positives include: 80% carbon reduction by 2030; a 100% carbon free electric system by 2050; retire all coal plants by 2030; and increase levels of energy efficiency and renewable electricity. The areas of concern would be: a proposal to build a new $1 billion fossil gas plant in Becker (Sherco CC); and shrinking the amount of community and consumer owned solar.
In the second quarter of 2020, Xcel earned a profit of 287 millions dollars. Xcel's IRP should not be shaped by a desire to earn a profit for its shareholders but rather by a desire to insure that all Minnesotans share in the benefits of clean energy.
The MPUC is gathering public input on Xcel's IRP. You can submit your comments here through April 12, 2021. Include the docket number 19-368. To obtain greater details on the specifics in the IRP you can go to Xcel's website or read critiques by other organizations such as the Citizens Utility Board, Sierra Club, MinnPost, Southwest Journal and MN350.
Article by Katherine Schafer