Sustaining Business Membership
Sustaining Business Membership
Designed for most businesses, our sustaining business membership offers additional discounts and promotional benefits.
Designed for most businesses, our sustaining business membership offers the features of our basic business membership, plus additional discounts and promotional benefits, including:
Basic Individual Membership for your primary representative
Your organization listed and link added to the MRES Supporters page
Ability to use MRES logo to highlight your support of renewable energy in Minnesota
Primary listing in our "Find an Installer" section of our Resources page
Discount individual membership rates for your employees
Solar installers who wish to accept our Independent Site Assessments will be placed on a list for customers to contact.
Introduction of your organization to our members and the public through our website, newsletter and Facebook.
20% discount on MRES event sponsorship opportunities
Social media outreach opportunities
Business memberships allow MRES to thrive. Through funding, event sponsorship, and partnerships, MRES and our business members are helping to facilitate a renewable energy transition in Minnesota.
The Solar Boat Regatta, Eco Experience, and Sustainability Tour offer event sponsorship opportunities, while our monthly newsletter, speaker series, and various tabling events are excellent for promotional content. Support MRES today and help shepherd Minnesota into its energy future.