solar boat regatta

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Saturday, May 17, 2025, 10a-2p
Riley Lake Park Pavilion

The Minnesota Renewable Energy Society is pleased to announce that the 33rd Annual Solar Boat Regatta will be held on May 17, 2025. MRES’ Solar Boat Competition has given hundreds of students valuable and unique experience with photovoltaic systems, boat design, and construction. MRES is partnering with teachers to enhance the competitive nature of the event, expanding the number of schools participating and extending the solar education throughout the school year.


Middle school teams build solar powered boats and compete in three races on Lake Riley in Eden Prairie:

  • Speed Race

  • Slalom Race

  • Endurance Race

At the MRES' Solar Boat Regatta teams demonstrate knowledge of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) to design and build boats powered by the sun. They compete in a number of races, culminating with a one-hour endurance race.

This event has given hundreds of middle and high school students, and others willing to step up to the challenge, valuable and unique experience with solar electricity, wiring, motors, fluid dynamics, boat design, construction, and teamwork. By racing the solar powered boat that they have built, students experience the thrill of competition and the pride of accomplishment that comes with creating something useful and fun.

If you're interested in putting a team together, contact us at

A solar boat makes use of the sun's radiation. The solar energy must be received exclusively by on-board transducers (photovoltaic cells). On-board storage and conversion into intermediate forms of energy (electric energy storage in batteries) are permitted. The boats must not be designed to use forms of energy other than solar — no wind, no human power, no gas engine power, no additional batteries, and no additional PV cells.

  • Student Class: Grades 6–12

  • Adult Class: Individuals or groups not associated with a school

  • Experimental/Exhibition Class: Boats that exceed the criteria listed in the Rules.

2025 Race Forms:

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